

<Practitioner xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="example"/> <meta> <profile value="http://hl7.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/no-helseapi-Practitioner"/> </meta> <identifier> <!-- HPR number for the Practitioner --> <system value="urn:oid:2.16.578."/> <value value="9144889"/> </identifier> <name > <family value="Koman"/> <given value="Magnar"/> </name> <telecom> <system value="phone"/> <value value="75589889"/> <use value="work"/> </telecom> <telecom> <system value="fax"/> <value value="75589899"/> </telecom> <telecom> <system value="phone"/> <value value="98128921"/> <use value="mobile"/> </telecom> <telecom> <system value="email"/> <value value="mako@bottomline.no"/> <use value="work"/> </telecom> <address> <!-- Postal address for the practitioner --> <!-- Norwegian basisprofil for Address resource adding Norwegian specific property information, official use of address and further explanation of the use for the data-elements in a Norwegian address. --> <use value="work"/> <line value="Dreyfushammarn 23"/> <city value="BODØ"/> <!-- Poststed --> <postalCode value="8012"/> <!-- postnummer --> </address> <!-- Kvalififikasjon Kategori helsepersonell (OID=9060) --> <qualification> <code> <coding> <system value="urn:oid:2.16.578."/> <code value="LE"/> <display value="Lege"/> </coding> </code> </qualification> <!-- Kvalififikasjon autorisasjonskode Godkjenningstype HPR (OID=7704) --> <qualification> <code> <coding> <system value="urn:oid:2.16.578."/> <code value="1"/> <display value="Autorisasjon"/> </coding> </code> </qualification> <!-- Kvalifikasjon Helsepersonellregisterets (HPR) klassifikasjon av spesialiteter (OID=7426)--> <qualification> <code> <coding> <system value="urn:oid:2.16.578."/> <code value="152"/> <display value="Ortopedisk kirurgi"/> </coding> </code> </qualification> </Practitioner>